Bertino Untitled Short Story, Table Read, April 2023

Hello! I am looking for three writers/actors to table read a short story in progress as part of my revision process. Paid. No experience necessary. Not a public event and discretion with the text would be expected. Character Breakdown below, characters are up for interpretation and intentionally broad. Thank you!

Wednesday, April 19th, 2023, 5 to 7pm, Brooklyn, New York (in person only, location given upon casting)



Rose: age: younger than Lucia

Wedding officiant for gay weddings which because of early Instagram fame she has managed to turn into a job, charming, insecure, will try a new fad, over-functioner, party glue, very smart, so focused on doing a good job she often cannot see the whole picture, undersexed, trapped. Preternaturally adept at parallel parking with a surprisingly messy apartment. Everyone’s memory of the artistic girl from high school.


Lucia: age: fiftyish and above

Considers herself a survivor, confident, bad childhood somewhere in the American West she/they won’t talk about, genius-level smart, observer at the party, sees everyone in a room, not a talker unless you get her going on one of her favorite topics (very few people know what they are); how to build a fire, bones of the back, and woodworking, occasionally grouchy but not immune to charm, meticulous in all things including sex, which she loves, allergic to dog saliva yet surprisingly tender with dogs, scared of flying.


Narrator: ageless, deathless, able to conjure any object or experience but cannot take pain away

Has a daughter who doesn’t speak to them

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